Saturday, June 30, 2012

Three Rules: Conquering Your Hangover

Your eyes take a minute to adjust to the cruel sunlight blazing through the window. More than a few grunts of discomfort as you right yourself from your slumber on the living room floor. Eyes burn, stomach rumbles, mouth filled with moss. You have a hangover.
This awful beast known as a hangover is one of the unfortunate side effects of having a drink or ten, and we are all familiar with it to some degree or another. There are myriad guides for how to get over one, but they almost always begin with the advice of not drinking so much. This, dear reader, is simply not an option. There are some general prevention tips I have picked up and use to some extent, such as the “Sinatra Rule” of having a glass of water between every alcoholic drink you consume. (I generally start after round 6) Others would have you drink water and take aspirin before bed, still other well-intentioned fools say to only have one drink per hour. Some of these preventive measures have merit, but most only exist to take up space on the Interweb.
For the purpose of this article, I am assuming that you are afflicted with a true-blue five-star hangover. This is one of those hangovers that comes with three hours of sleep and no less than five receipts for you to make sense of. Upon waking you find yourself with a pain running up your left side that feels like you had a stroke. If this hangover had formed in the Gulf of Mexico a state of emergency would be declared before it even made landfall and Jim Cantore would know it would be worse than some terrible ancient warlord and used his executive power to name it Agamemnon. You had a great night is what I'm saying.
One final caveat before we begin: this is my personal hangover regimen. Nearly everyone has their own cure that they swear by, but they all suck. Use mine and you will conquer this hangover and make it clean your house.

The first order of business in combating a hangover is to fill your belly. Water is key, even more so than food. Just in case you aren't aware, one of the biggest factors in a hangover is dehydration. After you have drunk the second of your many glasses of ice water, it is time to shift your focus to food. The English get a lot of crap for their terrible food, but they know how to have a king-hell breakfast. I don't generally go for the full English breakfast, but it is certainly one to cure a hangover.
My personal preferred breakfast is scrambled eggs with salsa, sausage patties and bacon, biscuits and gravy, and perhaps some potatoes. The key here is to eat greasy food, whether you cook it yourself or not. As a result pretty much anything at the Waffle House will help cure what ails you. Whether or not I go all out and cook the fantastic spread above, I will always have the bacon and eggs. I'm a big fan of routine, and that's what I eat pretty much every morning. The twist for the hangover breakfast is that I put on Guy Clark's album Some Days the Song Writes You, not only because it's a great album, but because “The Coat” comes on as I sit down and it's just got that hungover feel to it.
There are those who advocate the hair of the dog method of hangover cure, and from time to time I have engaged this tactic. However, I have found it mostly useless before lunch. If you decide on this method I would suggest using only lighter and simple alcohols. My few successes have been Corona and eggs, or leftover Jameson with fresh ice cubes and Meet the Press.

The second step for dealing with the incessant pounding in your head is to relax for a few hours. This is the time to find a couch and lay on it for a while. In a future post we will discuss the finer points of Hangover Theatre, but suffice it to say that the movie shouldn't be complex, or loud, or even outrageously funny. Although the title would lead you to initially believe it perfect for the job, The Hangover is one of the worst movies to watch when you are actually hungover – it's just too damn funny. The movie you're looking for is the kind of movie they used to play on TBS until they got all weird and became the Tyler Perry channel and dropped the Braves for those ridiculous BoSox. You're based in Atlanta for Christ's sake! Spaceballs is a good hangover movie – funny, but not gut-bustingly so after the first viewing. You can try and take my man card for this, and I will beat you to a bloody stump with your own legs, but I also like Julie and Julia for this. It's simple, it has food, and it has Meryl Streep so you can all just go to hell. It's Complicated is also nice.
If you don't feel quite like a movie you can always fall back on music to help you through, but it's not the music you think. Apart from while I'm cooking and eating breakfast, I'm not wanting music with lyrics and themes and anything that might require me to think. What I like is Aphex Twin, especially Richard D. James Album, and any of the Selected Ambient Works series are great for a hangover. Some of the Aphex Twin records are a little too far out there and strange for this fragile state, but this type of electronic/ambient music really helps me with the healing process. Old Tom Waits will be a great choice as well, but nothing newer than Franks Wild Years.
You could also read a book if you wanted, but I never have since I couldn't concentrate enough to pay attention, which is the reason for the easily digested hangover movie. If you do choose to read, I would suggest some simple, paint-by-numbers novel by the likes of John Grisham or James Patterson. Most of the greats are simply too heavy for this operation. Can you imagine reading The Road hungover? No thanks, I already feel like death twice warmed over, I don't need a book where that is every day life.

Now that you've spent a good portion of the day being lazy and feeling sorry for yourself, it's time to act like a grownup. No later than 2:00 you should be pulling yourself together and trying to unravel the story that your receipts are telling you in order to brag on Monday about what you did on Saturday. How did I spend $80 at the last bar? Why did we keep going from one side of town to the other? Surely I did not drink a dozen rail whiskeys by myself.
This is also a good time to get your house back in order. If for some horrible, unforseen circumstance you didn't grab some Waffle House before you came home, you likely cooked something so that your stomach was settled and you didn't throw up. As a result your kitchen is a wild landscape of dirty dishes and beer bottles. Go ahead and deal with this now. You are already miserable so cleaning won't make your day any worse, and with any luck you will run into a neighbor as you throw a garbage bag full of bottles into the dumpster and can acknowledge them with little more than a grunt from your sore throat you got by singing Bohemian Rhapsody at top volume during the cab ride home. This has the effect of cementing your neighbors suspicions and ensure they don't pester you to come over for a barbecue.

As an honorable mention, I must bring up the specter of exercise. Obviously with a hangover of this magnitude a workout is out of the question. However, when you have a stage-2 or a light stage-3 hangover, half an hour of vigorous exercise can work wonders. If you are traveling and find yourself in a hotel with a steam room, use it. Those things are just the tits after you make a run on the continental breakfast.

In conclusion, you can choose to treat your hangover as a curse, or as a cleansing experience as the good Modern Drunkard advocates. Obviously I choose the latter. I have been lucky enough to have developed the fortitude of liver so that I rarely get hangovers more than 3 or 4 times a year, regardless of intake. For myself, it is more an issue of sleep as I am a morning person and can rarely sleep past 7:00 no matter when I finally passed out. However, when I do come down with a hangover I embrace it. They remind me that I'm human, and to quote the Modern Drunkard again, it's not all rum and games.

Frank Nichols makes Ron Burgandy look like a classless hobo

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